Moodle on Joe's Box 

Moodle on Joe's Box

Joe made his server available for me to use and I decided I'd move Moodle over and let it have a permanent home.

The installation took most of my time this morning and parts of the afternoon. It was supposed to be smooth since I had installed it before. But there were some gotchas:

1. the OS is different. Did it on 2000, this time is 2003 (IIS is different too).
2. MySQL already installed by Plesk which is an earlier version of MySQL.

In retrospect, it wasn't difficult at all, answers were readily available online and it just took some experimenting, trial and error tests. It's a good experience and I'm really forcing myself to document the steps that I take which have several advantages:

1. I can go back and undo things when they don't work out as expected.
2. I can use it as a reference for reinstalls or similar future projects

I hope I can keep up this habit and allocate time every week to do something like this.

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